Hello, straight in and I am not sure whether I fell asleep at some point in December, but when I opened my eyes, I realised that Ionicell had changed over to the DoSe branding and I promised that we would celebrate each time one of our bestselling supplements received the DoSe branding, so rather belatedly I am upholding that promise. Actually, there are only two more bestselling supplements to change over to the DoSe branding, those being Mega Probio and Daily Energy, so more celebrations to come, but I’m not sure when that will happen. It’s all about logistics. And staying awake.
But let’s talk about Ionicell because it makes such a huge difference to our hair, skin and nails, yet that’s only one part of the story because Ionicell contains Ioniplex®, a Fulvic ionic mineral containing up to 65 essential, macro and trace minerals, making it a powerful ingredient with far-reaching benefits. One of those benefits is its ability to protect against cellular damage, which is a major cause of the ageing of our bodies and our organs, and of course the largest organ of the body is skin.
It has been several years since we launched Ionicell, but I remember writing at the time that it was a next-generation formulation and that still stands because it really does transform our hair, skin and nails. Fulvic is of course a remarkable ingredient, I write that often, and Ionicell is one of many supplements where clinical evidence meets anecdotal evidence, and with another important example on the next paragraph, it underlines the critical importance of pioneering formulations. So that celebration arrives as I drop the price of Ionicell from £22 to £19, across the weekend, and the conversation continues.
Ioniplex®White Paper;DoSe Ionicell £19 for 60 Capsules (offer ends at midnight GMT, Sunday 19 January)
As I recently wrote, Sarah Stacey founded the College of Medicine Beyond Pills Campaign, set up in the wake of the Government’s National Overprescribing Review, which established that 10% of drugs dispensed in primary care were inappropriate, unnecessary and could do harm, including causing premature death. I have always believed that the integration of allopathic and complementary medicine is important and I totally respect validated scientific advancement with both, but we do have a choice and an email Shabir recently received demonstrates that choice.
Verbatim: ‘I just wanted to say an enormous thank you for formulating CholestSafe. I decided to stop taking statins because of side effects. Before coming off my level was 5.4, which went up to 5.6 without the statins. Last week, after three months of CholestSafe my level was 4.9 which I am absolutely thrilled with. This is a real game-changer and you should be so proud of the fact that you have produced an effective alternative to statins’.
Obviously, we couldn’t be happier, but I have to caveat these words by reiterating that we do have a choice, and that choice should always be discussed with health professionals with a tailored approach, most particularly in instances of critical illness. Notwithstanding that, the importance of complementary medicine is acknowledged here, provided it is taken in its correct form with the correct therapeutic dosage, but the other thing is that we must always allow time for any form of supplementation to reach optimum levels of efficacy and to regularly monitor your cholesterol levels with your GP. With that said, I am dropping the price of CholestSafe from £27 to £24 across the weekend.
VH Editorial:How To Lower Cholesterol Naturally;DoSe CholestSafe £24 for 90 Capsules
I need to balance my words because rather a large proportion of people do take statins and, as I wrote above, it is a considered choice, but this comes with a message. If you do take statins, it has always been recommended that you should also take CoQ10 because this powerful antioxidant helps protect the heart against free radical damage, but it also plays a role in oxygenating the heart muscle tissue. I know that I wrote about the importance of CoQ10 last weekend, but it has long been known that statins reduce the production of CoQ10, so as I follow through, I am maintaining the price drop of Liposomal CoQ10 from £48 to £43 across this weekend too.
VH Editorial:Choosing The Right CoEnzyme Q10;DoSe Liposomal CoQ10 £43 for 240 ml (48 days’ supply) (offer ends at midnight GMT, Sunday 19 January)
Staying with CoQ10, it most definitely has a role to play in Sjogren’s Syndrome which is classified as an autoimmune disorder where the body’s immune system attacks its own cells, believing them to be invaders like bacteria and viruses. The lymphocytes, specific types of immune cells, selectively target the moisture producing glands of the body, including the salivary glands and the lachrymal (tear producing) glands with the result being dry eyes and dry mouth. Affecting more women than men, Sjogren’s Syndrome is often accompanied by other autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
Some of the other symptoms of Sjogren’s Syndrome include vaginal dryness, joint and muscle pain and dry skin all over the body and face, so in addition to CoQ10, we recommend Omega 7 fatty acids which help to alleviate each of these concerns, but equally important is their ability to help reduce inflammation in the whole body, which is often found in those who suffer from this syndrome. The anti-inflammatory effect of omega 7 fatty acids can also help improve the symptoms of fibromyalgia and here we recommend Omega 7 Sea Buckthorn Oil which drops in price from £22.95 to £20, and for further information I am also linking an article on vaginal dryness.
VH Editorials:Managing Sjogren’s Syndrome;Overcoming Menopausal Vaginal Dryness;Omega 7 Sea Buckthorn Oil by Sibu £20 for 60 Softgels (offer ends at midnight GMT, Sunday 19 January)
Having written extensively about under-the-radar products last weekend, there are those health concerns which also fall under-the-radar, in that they are rarely discussed in depth and I want to begin with cold hands and feet. I know we are in the midst of winter, but many people suffer from cold hands and feet in the summer months too and it is also believed that this condition is more common in women, so let’s take a look.
It is acknowledged that exposing the body to lower temperatures constricts our blood vessels and decreases blood flow to the hands and feet, but generally poor circulation in the whole body is associated with a lack of nitric oxide production. This is important because our circulatory system uses nitric oxide to control the flow of blood to every part of our body by relaxing and dilating the blood vessels, ensuring that every tissue in our body gets adequate oxygen and nutrients which are vital for their individual function.
And then there is Raynaud’s Syndrome, a concern where there is an interruption of blood flow to fingers, toes, ears and the nose. This syndrome is caused by spasms within the blood vessels and may be caused by exposure to cold weather and/or emotional stress. Raynaud’s may be a primary disease in and of itself, or it may be secondary when it is associated to other concerns, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. It also serves to say here that the link between cold hands and feet and anaemia is well documented, essentially because those with anaemia do not have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to the tissues in the body.
Shabir discusses anaemia further in his article linked below, but predominantly the most common reason for cold hands and feet is poor circulation and here we recommend Diosmin Plus. Diosmin Plus contains Diosmin 95, a high potency bioflavonoid which has been shown in studies to reduce most of the markers of poor circulation and it is joined by well-studied herbal extracts including Horse Chestnut, Gotu Kola and Pine Bark Extract, which contains Pycnogenol, a compound which has anti-inflammatory properties and serves to protect our blood vessels.
I am dropping the price of Diosmin Plus from £28 to £25 across the weekend, but I’m not quite finished yet because Diosmin Plus also helps alleviate other circulatory concerns such as haemorrhoids and varicose veins. These are two extraordinarily common concerns, so I am also linking an article which takes an in-depth look at these concerns. Topically, we recommend Capsicum & Ginger Warming Cream, which is formulated with capsaicin, an ingredient found in capsicum chilli peppers, and as I drop the price of Capsicum & Ginger Warming Cream from £20.99 to £18, it should be noted that Diosmin Plus is not suitable if you take blood thinning medications.
VH Editorials:;Varicose Veins, Spider Veins, Haemorrhoids And Poor Circulation;DoSe Diosmin Plus £25 for 60 Capsules; by Napiers £18 for 100 ml (offers end at midnight GMT, Sunday 19 January)
Before we move on, a few words about Silversocks, those magnificent silver fibre textile socks created for those with cold feet, poor circulation and also for sufferers of chilblains. Containing pure silver, a naturally occurring element, they also serve to keep your feet cool in the summer months, but throwing the focus on chilblains, I am linking a dedicated article about this concern where you will read that Diosmin Plus and Capsicum & Ginger Warming Cream are also recommended. Keeping it neat as we move on to Leaky Gut Syndrome.
VH Editorial:Chilblains Treatment;Silversocks by Carnation (Size 3-7) £12.50;Silversocks by Carnation (Size 6-11) £12.50
Leaky Gut Syndrome is a poorly understood gastrointestinal concern in which the lining of the gut becomes permeable resulting in numerous problems. The lining of the gut plays an important role of absorbing nutrients, but it also prevents toxins, bacteria, digested food and other foreign bodies from entering the bloodstream, so as such it basically acts as a front line of defence to protect the body. In Leaky Gut Syndrome, this barrier is breached leading to bacteria and toxins being able to enter the bloodstream which can cause many issues.
In taking a look at Leaky Gut Syndrome in his article linked below, Shabir explains this disorder, the commonly experienced symptoms and how to treat this concern. In recommending BioCare’s GI Complex, it should be noted that this formulation contains L-Glutamine, an amino acid which fuels the cells lining the intestines. Research indicates that L-Glutamine has been shown to help Leaky Gut Syndrome mostly because this amino acid can often be depleted at times of prolonged stress and it is joined by other researched nutrients, including N-Acetyl Glucosamine, Zinc and Vitamin A. GI Complex drops in price across the weekend from £36.69 to £33.
VH Editorial:Leaky Gut Syndrome;GI Complexby BioCare £33 for 150 grams (offer ends at midnight GMT, Sunday 19 January)
One more health concern and sometimes it is the most common of concerns that are rarely discussed and Post-Nasal Drip (PND) is one such concern. With that said I try to remember to write about this at least once a year because PND is associated with the excessive production of mucus by the nasal mucosa, which can then accumulate at the back of the throat, or in the naval cavity, causing difficulties in breathing and other associated concerns.
PND is also associated with acid producing foods, dairy products, tomatoes and potatoes, so a moderate intake of these foods is recommended if you have PND. It is many years since Shabir created the Post-Nasal Drip Regimen, where he recommends three specific products, Marshmallow Capsules, Plantago Tincture and Bronchoforce, each of which are linked below, together with the PND Regimen.
Post-Nasal Drip Regimen;Marshmallow Capsules by Power Health£7.88 for 30 capsules;Plantago Tincture by A. Vogel £12.99 for 50 ml;Bronchoforce by A. Vogel £12.99 for 50 ml
As many of you will have seen, I took over Thursday’s email where I announced that after the longest wait, Triple Flu Defense for the 2024-2025 flu season had finally arrived, yet no sooner had that email email been sent, it went out of stock, which we honestly didn't anticipate because our stock levels were very high.Triple Flu is, once again, on a wait list and we will be receiving further stock towards the end of next week, all things being equal.
Triple Flu Defense+ (2024-2025 Season) by Dr Nenninger’s £30 for 30 ml
Additionally, 10 Day Get Well Stay Well is now also back in stock. This comprehensive formulation boosts the immune system, helping to shorten the duration of both bacterial and viral attacks and it does it rather well. Containing key ingredients to balance immunity, this is a two phase supplement offering a loading phase followed by a maintenance dose and together with Triple Flu, it should really be a medicine cabinet staple.
10 Day Get Well Stay Well £27 for 60 Capsules
Onwards, and a couple of weeks ago I wrote about OatSoak (Feed Your Skin), a bathing product made with 100% Scottish Oats and nothing else. I also wrote that these specialised oats were suitable for skin prone to dryness and sensitivity, eczema, psoriasis, sunburn and itchiness and that feeding the skin was a thing, most especially for those of us with sensitive skin, and because it is a thing, and because it is so important to feed your skin on an ongoing basis regardless of skin type, we are now offering OatSoak in two sizes, 100 grams and 500 grams, which now resides in my bathroom. Of course.
OatSoak (Feed Your Skin) £7.49 for 100 grams;OatSoak (Feed Your Skin) £19.99 for 500 grams
But that’s not all, because I also want to introduce you to OatSoak Natural Intensive Balm which has been formulated with Calendula and Colloidal Oatmeal to help calm irritated skin. Promoting wound healing by enhancing skin regeneration, this balm relieves itching and irritation and is particularly beneficial for dry, sensitive and eczema prone skin. I am a living expert on eczema prone skin, and although I don’t really suffer that much anymore, I absolutely know that we can become immune to any given formulation after long-term use.
It is for this reason that we often introduce new products to help support eczema prone skin and of course not every product will work for everybody, but this balm has anti-inflammatory properties and it forms a protective barrier on the skin, shielding it from external irritants and allergens. One more thing to say here and that is that both products offer relief from Chickenpox, and colloidal oatmeal is a recommended solution to help reduce itchiness and pain. In my day, I was smothered with calamine lotion, many of us were, and totally unrelated, we were also given a spoonful of malt extract every day and Haliborange. And that is the end of that.
OatSoak Natural Intensive Balm£7.99 for 60 ml
Finally, and before we head into the Saturday only treat, I have been writing many words about skin health recently, so I want to continue by talking about Super Bakuchiol Serum, the natural retinol alternative which is non-irritating and effective. Over the past few years, Bakuchiol has gained much recognition for the role it plays in skin health and the market is now rather saturated with Bakuchiol formulations, which would be perfectly acceptable if the claims made were representative of the research and clinicals on Sytenol®A, but mostly they are not. Facts matter. Actually.
Sytenol®A is a Bakuchiol Oil that represents the gold standard and is REACH registered through extensive safety testing and performance. This high purity and quality oil has been the subject of various clinical studies and being the gold standard, we have of course used it in our own formulation as it has the ability to enhance collagen production, increase cell turnover and soften fine lines, without the inflammation which is so often associated with retinol. So, as Shabir does the lowdown on Super Bakuchiol Serum in his article linked below, I am dropping the price of Super Bakuchiol Serum from £18 to £16 across the weekend.
VH Editorial:Bakuchiol: A Natural Alternative To Retinol;DoSe Super Bakuchiol Serum £16 for 30 ml (offer ends at midnight GMT, Sunday 19 January)
Into the Saturday only treat we go, and with every order placed for £35 and over, excluding p&p, we will automatically include OatSoak Lip Balm* by way of a further introduction to the brand and because it has been conditioning my lips for the past few weeks, so I wanted to share this with you. Once again it is a natural product containing OatSoak Oat Oil, Calendula Oil and pure Welsh artisan wildflower honey. It comes in a tiny pot, but you really only need to use the smallest amount and product details are listed below.
OatSoak Lip Balm(offer ends at midnight GMT, Saturday 18 January)
Some further words. Many years ago I hosted a tea party, it was something that I did often and I called those parties tiara tea parties because it amused me then, and it still does. I would dole out tiaras from Claire’s Accessories and these tea parties were special because many of us would sit around a table and put the world to rights, but actually they also served as a support mechanism for many of us because life can often be so extraordinarily difficult and it follows that you should always stay close to those who play such an important role in your life.
At this particular tea party, I stood up and announced that nobody around the table would ever fall down a ‘black hole’ again because I was going to fill those black holes with diamonds, metaphorically of course. Creative visualisation can be a powerful tool and across the years I have often shared this visualisation because however dark life can be, we must never forget that light will always prevail in the end. So this. ‘Remember When You Were Young, You Shone Like The Sun’. Shine On You Crazy Diamond.
Shine On You Crazy Diamond by Pink Floyd;The VH Playlist
As ever, I wish you a restful weekend.
With love
Gill x